Saturday 7 May 2011

The Final Film... PAY DAY

Here is the highly anticipated Film opening of the year... Pay Day, this movie was painstakingly made by by V1 Group 3 2011 which includes:

Matthew Caine-Mckenzie - Sound/Editor/Cinematographer

Mark Leggatt - Actor

Ryan Marsh - Actor

Alphonse Oswald - Director

We hope you will enjoy our film!!! (Please change the bottom right 360p to 480p for better quality) Thank You


The Music that we used was made purposely to fit with the stereotype of moshers and also to add thrill and drama to the opening, we needed a sound that started by making the views have a slight sense of unease.

we didn't want to start of with jumpy and chilling music because that goes against the idea that thrillers should build up in tension and end with a chilling twist which allows for excitement, the music builds up over a period of time letting the viewer now something might happen and upon the protagonist being trapped on the bridge it jumps to a chilling sound which get the heart beating and add excitement.

The musician who's music really inspired us due to the power and build up of instruments was the "Music Magician" John Murphy, we were inspired by the technique he uses in his music that draws the emotion of the viewer and allows them to merge with the music and get a real sense of excitement. below is a sample of some of his music :

Audience Feed Back

A member of our group place the Film on his facebook page and asked people to watch it and comment truthfully on it, overall we got 42 like and no dislikes and the viewers were happy with the film and the only critasism was that fact that the clip was only 2 and a half minutes long and not long. As there were so many comments we can only show a select few that can be seen below:

Friday 6 May 2011

Directors Commentry

Here is the directors commentry, this was made to allow viewers to see into our minds and the reasons behind certain shots. Hopefully this will allow you to appreiciate the work that went into making Pay Day... The Opening and have more understanding, We hope you enjoyed The Actual Film.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Used Program's

Final Cut Pro (mac)
The picture above shows the program i used to make the movie clip which was Final cut Pro and i used it to put the different scenes together, this program was fairly easy to use because as a group we manage to make a movie with no prior knowledge of how to use the program.

Adobe After EffectsThis program was used to make the titles that you can see in the final movie apart from the end title, this is because it allowed us to make professional looking titles that fitted into the theme of the movie. Due to the name of the production company being Black-Ghost I made the titles fade away.
Adobe Illustrator

This was used to make the titles that can be seen at the end of the movie, i used this program because i had previous knowledge of how to use it and therefore the making of the animation wouldn't be too complex, this was useful to produce a professional looking end title.

Facebook was used to get feedback from the Target audience to see where we succeded and failed as a group, this was not only useful to see how we could improve but also good for the confidence of the group when we found out that the film went down a hit and had 99.9% positive feedback.
GoogleGoogle was used to get as much information as possible on possible days for filming, this allowed us to spread our filming time equally which left us with a lot of time to plan the remaining parts of our film, this consequently made the film more professional becuase we knew what we were doing.

The End Title

The end title shown above was used for a purpose, as the title and name of the film was pay day which is money related, when making the animation at the end i thought it was fitting to used the same font found on a 10 pound note for the title, i believe this give a added effect making the film fit together better.