Thursday 31 March 2011

Filming locations

Green Screen Room (college) - this room we used when filming the scene where Mark is captured and strapped to a chair. This was a good setting because it allowed us to shoot a scene that hopefully lets the audience feel the actors emotion.

Hulme Epping Bridge - this was the location where we filmed the bridge scene. This scene reveals how Mark got caught and kidnapped. We used this bridge because it looked remote, secluded and you could easily trap someone there which made it perfect for a kidnap scene and also where we filmed our "Martini Shot", which is a technically used term in the filming buisness which means the very last shot you film for your movie.

Otterburn Close - We filmed here to get the walking scene before Marks enters the bridge, there were not that many pedestrians and was easily accessed.

Movie treatment

Audience: Our opening sequence is quite graphic and could be inappropriate for young audiences. Our sequence is a thriller so our intended target audience is for an age group of between 15-25, for both males and females.

Resume: A teenager is troubled upon a phone call that wakes him up, walking around his town looking for money to pay off his debts, still traumatized the people he owes money to captured him and tortured him.

Elements: Has scene's of Torture (which some people may find disturbing), subtle tones of a teenage life Drama which shows scenes of a kidnapping which add tension throughout.

Performance: male walking around his town, through streets, over a bridge, Kidnap scene.

Costumes: Normal clothes, vest needed for torture scene, Hoodies for the "Thugs" to create fear.

Props: no props were needed, we decided against fake blood,knifes and a baseball bat for the torture scene because it would have been too much action for an opening of a film.

Key locations: green screen room (college) needed because it is dark, Hulme Epping bridge, (Suspenseful & Remote), Moss Side (For walking Scenes).

Recording days: we intended on filming early morning so there wouldn't be much distraction, eg: cars driving past, people walking past. We just filmed in our media lessons (Tuesdays and Thursdays), we also films on a few days out of school time when we knew the weather was going to be good.

Shot list

1.Medium shot - the teenager (Mark) is lying in bed.
2.Close-up - as Mark answers the phone.
3.Extreme close-up - shows panic on Mark's face.
4.Establishing shot - show the location.
5.Long shot - emphasis on Mark walking.
6.Tracking shot - camera tracks up as Mark walks.
7.Mid Shot- shows from waist upwards to show his body language.
8.Extreme Long Shot - as Mark makes his way up the bridge to his unknown demise.
9.Long shot- shows gangster creep up the bridge.
10.Point Of View Shot- show the gangsters views of Marks fear.
11.Close-up - show the fear on Mark's face.
12.Long Shot - on Mark has he struggles to escape from his torturers.
13.Medium shot - shows more of Mark's upper body in his struggle.
14.Close-up - exaggerates the fear in Mark's face.
15.Over the shoulder shot - to try and feel the character's fear, look through his eyes.
16.Eyeline match - so it's easy to notice that each character is on the same level.
17.Long shot - show Mark's inferiority.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Filming problems: re-filming with new ideas

We had to re-film the majority of the sequence because our first attempt at filming wasn't that good. The camerawork was good but we had too much action in our scene for an opening sequence. We re-filmed and now our sequence looks more fitting for an opening sequence - we decided to re-film because we were advised to, we just cut out the fighting scene which wasn't suitable.

Mark's idea- I put forward an idea in which the kidnap scenes we had already filmed be used as a flashback/forward when my character is walking along the bridge. it became clear that this scene was not appropriate or fitting to the opening of a film, rather the middle. In doing this we have salvaged valuable footage and made it relevant to our project.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Similar films/film sequences

Paid In Full
This film is about a young man from the Ghetto, forced to cope with the 1980s drug scene who then builds an illegal empire, only to find out that a Family member gets kidnapped as a way to get revenge back from an unsuspected person. The way in which this film is similar to the one we are going to be doing is the fact that someone is kidnapped in order to get revenge for something.

Similar theme is that the person who has kidnapped the family member is unknown.Comparable scences that can be seen in both this and our film include the facial expression's made when being kidnaped, in both we try to create an anxious enviorment using groans and facial expression's which hopefully allow the audience to feel certain emotion's.

On the other hand, although the shot below is alike in the sense that is is a kidnap scence, as a group we chose to make our lighting darker in order to create mystery & secrecy which a slight light glare to sybolically suggest that he has a slight chance to make it out alive.

Phone Booth

This film is about a man who unsuspectingly picks up and innocent looking phone to find that he is under control of an unknown man who has a sniper rifle aimed at his head due to the fact that the captee has lived a good life but had trampled on other people to get there. The reason in which this is parallel to our film is the fact that in our film it is the phone call that is the start of our characters demise.

In addition, in both of the films the character become confined as a result of a lueisurly stroll/walk round there native area to find that they have been watch and are destined to be caught in a unfortunate turn of events were they will be powerless to prevent it from happening.

The reason for the screen shot below is becuase it portrays a scence where he realises how serious the acuring events are and is in an intense state of panic, this can be seen by the distraught face of the actor which allows viewers to experience his distressed emotion. After watching this scence as a group we decided that the kidnap scene would be fundamental in order to make the audience sympathise and acces the emotion of the charater via the facial expresions made and we feel that we achived this in our film opening.
Harry Brown

The film Harry Brown is about an elderly ex-serviceman and widower looking to avenge his best friend's murder by doling out his own form of justice, the way in which he achieves this "justice" is through a kidnapping in which he uses various torture methods, the is includes ideas that we are going to include in our films because there will be scenes of torture.

Out of all the film this film is most like our film, this is becuase it shows kidnap scence, torture scence and the reason why the person in it is kidnapped is due to the fact that he has done something to anger his capter and has to consequently pay the the consequenses.

The video below show the kidnap scence which is crucial in both there and our film:

Thursday 3 March 2011

Final Movie Overview!

The Movie

This 2 and a half min movie opening was about a teenage boy ,(played by Mark),who thought he could solve his money problems by loaning money of someone but didn't do it the right way, he continues his life to find hat he hasn't got the funds to pay the loan back and then discovers that he owns the money to a big time Gangster who will do anything to get the money back.

The stress ends up getting to much for the kid and he ends up taking a stroll over a bridge in which he finds that he is trapped by the gangsters henchmen (played by Matthew & Ryan) and cant escape. Throughout the opening "Flash Forwards" are played showing Mark waking up tied to a chair in a dark room he starts to panic and scream for help, to his disgust he find the only person aware of his screaming is not the person he wants it to be but isn't shown to the audience. The following of the movie if we continued to film it would show his ordeal continuing to go on as he is warned every day he goes without paying the money a digit of his hands will be cut off starting with his thumb...

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Final Movie Practice

Before we filmed the actual movie we decided to film short scenes of main points in the 3 min movie so we could perfect the scene. in all of this Matthew was the camera man and Ryan was the Light/Sound man, he was the person who done the sound effects for the punches and also turned the light on andoff whilst Matthew acted as the Director and Cameraman.The First scene included Mark acting as the captured person and Alphonse was the "Interviewee". The scene included Mark being tortured and abused.